Blueshoes has worked in partnership with Philips supporting them in the design of their key events.

The Challenge.

Philips is health technology company with a mission of improving people’s health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Their business is focused in professional healthcare but also in consumer products where they have a vast portfolio ranging from personal care to household products like kitchen appliances and floor care.

As a major brand they are involved in events and exhibitions across the globe, so the challenge was to create a consistent design language and architecture that works across their entire portfolio of businesses but also the different event landscapes.

Our Response.

Blueshoes has collaborated with Philips and its partners to develop their event and exhibition guidelines. We created a  unique look and feel and a modular brand architecture that works across their diverse business and event landscape.

Globally we have designed major Philips events like RSNA, HIMSS, CES, ECR, Arab Health and IFA to name a few.

The Result.

A global consistent design language with iconic brand elements that work across the different event landscapes from small to large formats.

An event guideline that encourages brand story telling, audience engagement and at its heart is experiential.

Measured increases in people participating and engaging with the Philips Brand. For instance at IFA 2017 there were over 60,000 demos and a survey at the event showed that participants had over a 95% likelihood of recommending Philips as a brand.


After spending 6 months sweat and blood designing the huge Philips IFA hall, seeing it all built and realised, and then witnessing people truly engage with the experiences is total satisfaction.

Contact us.

To find out how we can create a defining moment for your brand, Call us on 01270 255655 or email